One always realizes the importance of something when he loses or misses it. As many of our friends who were placed in ibm-gbs, had already got their joining dates, they needed to depart from us very soon. On the 17th june, one of my friend KD had to join IBM in bangalore after he had traveled from Chennai to Kolkota, Kolkota to IBM-ISL(USA) and then back to Bangalore. I need to write a new post and will soon do it about the rationale behind the journey and indeed it was an odyssey. For the time being, let me come back to the night of 15th june. As one of my friends, Anantha had met with an unfortunate accident, me, KD, PJ, Shreyas and Shravan had gone to see him in his uncle's place. After coming out of his house, for the first time in his engineering life probably KD voluntarily offered to give us a treat as a farewell. Another most shocking scene that confronted us was PJ had got some money in his pocket and he agreed to share treat with KD. We called Venki and Taki to come to Kd road in mysore, one of the most busiest places mostly for college students. Venki came to see Anantha and we all went to a restuarant named 'Orange Piele' if I'm right. The idea was that of KD, who told that continental food is good over there. I dont know how many times he'd gone there before making such statements. Anyways, after going and sitting there, he plainly tells that he too is coming here for the first time. We finished our dinner and that was pretty good. Then comes the events which made the farewell a very memorable one.

One girl from our class had told somewhere that Venki was cute and that Venki also probably had a little liking for her. PJ, asusual on his role, called her and handed over the cell to Venki. This is how PJ put the ball in the court of Venki. He spoke to her in a light tone, and was a little embarassed in the beginning. Now, Venki returned to what PJ thought to be an ace with an unreturnable forehand. The ball had gone way behind PJ and PJ had to just watch the ball boy catching. Venki told about the name of PJ's crush to her which PJ had thought that info would not leak out anytime. When Venki tried to hand over the call to Taki, Taki ran miles away and I dont think he's going to talk to any girl in future. The one phrase I remember in this conversation between Venki and her was "then wats up". Finally it was over and we were about to leave the place. Then, came the idea of Venki, to tell about Shreyas's crush for about 7 to 8 years to his dream girl. Let me not mention the name here. He didnt have the number. I called my friend Deepal and got the number. Venki told that, he would tell everything about Shreyas to her assuming that she did'nt have Shreyas number. When she picked up the call, the voice came "hi shreyas" which indicated Venki to hand over the call to Shreyas direct. He spoke for 10 minutes and cut the call. We did'nt have any clue of the conversation. Let me go on to tell what happened after the call ended. Venki gave the idea of sending an sms to Shreyas's crush regarding the confession of his love toward her. I cannot state the exact sms here, but it was something like "you were my favourite girl for the past 6 years and I didnt have the guts to tell you......". As is the scenario most of the times, the reply was a passive, not really appearing like a rejection. It was like "I haven seen you in that position at all and I hope this would'nt work out probably" and finally "....I really appreciate your frankness". This is the case most of the times. The reply will most of the times appear like rejection from one point and from another point, it appears that she has not really completely rejected. Then again, Venki gave the idea of sending "....if you're single, why could'nt you give us a try....". The reply was again passive asusual. Finally the session ended with "No hard feelings from this side....we shall be friends further....keep in touch..". The reply was also similar. Probably for the first time in his life, Shreyas had to accept a defeat, as far as I've seen. There was no battle in which he had lost probably hitherto. But now, he was defeated by a girl. Let it be anything, these are the events which marked the "VALEDICTORY OF THE FAREWELL" which made the farewell a very memorable and a inextricable one in the minds of all of us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @Shreyas lo, i had not edited the blog. I had written in one single flow without even looking back on what I'd written. Its not that, because you told I removed. It was indeed not proper. Now, the post seems non-pugnacious. Just check out.

    And I've nowhere mentioned that the feelings were or are defeated. As far as I've seen, you've not lost anything. Thats the reason why I compared it to a battle. A defeat in this sense would mean a rejection, nothing more than that. It was a rejection in reality, I suppose!!!!

  3. @Bomman
    your report on incidents as usual

  4. @Karthik: Great blog. Keep writin them. I was present when all these unexpected events occurred. Will never forget them in my life :D. Full koole!!! I thoroughly enjoyed myself so did u alva

    @Shreyas: U have always read 5 units. N bomman is right in saying that u had never lost a battle :P

  5. @Shravan Thank you lo, and definitely no one present there for the farewell could forget the events which happened.

  6. truly unforgettable
    i had a lot of firsts :-) :-(

  7. Bhai this is KOOLE blog... i m surprised to hear this incident that too about shreyas especially ..
    donno how come some of us are getting bold enough at the end of 8th sem to express our feelings in front our crushes...
    This period especially past few weeks is full of incidents...some revealed and some not yet...hope all these youthful memories will cherish in our minds forever..

  8. Hopeless buggers ! Grow some balls! Period

  9. @vikram Please dont be idiomatic. Write clearly. I think no one can ever understand what you mean here.

  10. Shreyas

    Your last blog was poignant this one pugnacious with lots of references to battle

    Love is not a battle man...and defeat is completely out of context.Feelings cant be defeated.I don know why u have stressed so much on that.May be u understand better as u r doubly experienced than me.The feelingful touch of the previous blog is missing lo..may be because its not your story and u have justed reported what happened that day.

    Dont write a blog just to sensationalize something.Write only if you truly feel for an issue or incident.

    miss u man...missing college life... ur fits of koole

    keep writing


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