"The divine legacy...."

Imagine you are in Subramanya on the morning of 30th January 2009, the chauvinists of the grandeur parry from the train at 6 a.m. burning with rage and desire. The station is filled with devotees to get acquitted from the divine. The gaggle of chauvinists consisted of Aloka(under-waist roisterer), Saikiran,Sachith, Deepal(fragile knees), Akshath, Suhas,Karthik Raghavan.
I am Karthik Raghavan, narrrating you the nostalgic saga of all that went on the way to vanquish one of the tallest peaks in the whole of karnataka(KP). The intrepid saga of the chauvinists of grandeur begins after the genuflection to the perpetual. It was 7 in the morning when the door to the altar was opened, we performed solemn orgy and were back on track after having breakfast at 9:30. Regulation, the gaggle was with furore and vengeance and after half an hour, we came across a board in the southpaw of the itinerary showing the way to KP. Half and hour from here, we felt no way nearer to civilization.

The wildness of the forest on the way definitely perplexed us but the bits of chocolate papers, water bottles along the way rifed the intervention of the sapien with nature. It was 11:00, I and Akshath were leading the way to plausibly what I would call the life-line. Like a crucible, the furore slightly went into the core and it was upto everyone to impetuous to fut their own rays. All along the way till 1 hr, everything palled us. It was 12 and the sun was straight up on our heads to make us feel the heat.

into the wild

With the grassland burgeoning, the sceneries of the Western Ghats was also capricious. In a trekking, these are the only abettors to the pettish aroused from tiredness. Listening to the tunes of sceneries, and firing at such views from the memory trigger ammunition, unloaded from Akshath's arsenal, we went along. The whole route for 3 hours is void of single drop of water. It was at 1:00, I and Akshath unleashed our arsenals at the life-line and waited for the batallion to arrive. We countered the dehydration at the life-line and ordered for food to 7 commandos.

Everyone was hungry by then and had to bring their imbuing diamond out of the crown to bolster for the remaining heuristic task. By the time, the commandos arrived, the stage was set to reload the bullets into their weapons of imagination. It was a perfect traditional Brahmin food with rice, rasam, buttermilk and the unforgettable pickle for the connoisseur. We had a nice rest, and the missiles were now ready to get the stalwart back to the surface of the sphere.

Yet to begin....

re-incarnated self luminous macho-men

No one was in retrospection after the delicious booster. We paid 150/- per head at what they called the check point, and there was no scrutiny except for grabbing money. The ascent started after half and hour from the life-line. This was the steepest ascent hitherto from the start. The missiles were all fired from the centre in 1 hr, and the past was coming back to life from a secluded place creating the wave of weariness. It was 4 p.m. when all of them were out, but the ones who ignited the heuristic approach despite of the banal of trekking, walked along. I felt the essence of water, with scorching heat protruding into the core of my mind. At 5, me and akshath reached the mantapa, and I experienced the happiest moment of my life after hearing the sound of the brook. We filled our bottles with water, took rest for 15 mins, and Suhas too joined us. The audacious decision to move further, still added to tiring. After half an hour, we realized that the nails were with Aloka and it was at this moment, they had reached the mantapa. Everyone was scathing, but we 3 atleast had the olden day rifles to fire the vigour, albeit not vicious but enought to get along. We had to come back again to the mantapa, and by 6 we joined the flock.

fighting hard...

We felt secured in a flat piece fo land near the mantapa after tenting. The sun-set from the point was intangible to the mind but was accessible only to light of the inner flame. After the photosessions, we had a camp fire and a light carousal(I and Deepal were the only amateurs in the carousal). We were all out by then, the only thing left out hoarding to sleep. We had a wonderful sleep that night and the only thing I could feel from the sub-conscious was the enormous speed of the wind. When we got up, it was 7 and the view enamoured all of us and the heuristic flame was again triggered to action. After finishing the morning rituals, with the inner covert moaning to the minds of the troop, filled with the glint of enlightenment, we came back to trail to conquer KP. The entire route to the peak was a paradigm of the itinerary to the mantapa. Except some photo-sessions, everything in my memory is obscure. We reached the peak by 10-30.

A light carousal

early morning view from the mantapa

Once, we reached the peak, the jewel of bliss revealed the conceal behind the diligent trek. The view circumlocuted the hills of the W.ghats, ocular to the natural identiy of the avant-garde as himself. The view would undoubted be debtful form the whole of the troop. The terrain for about half an hour is an epitomization of divine legacy, as I would like to describe. We reached the pushpagiri peak at 11-30 and climbed down to bidalli by 2-30. The only thing i remember about the downward journey is the dainty waterfall we encountered.

just the beginning....

The story is not just an experience but an envoy to the future visitors of KP, not to be gauche in littering. Eventhough the trek was a little bit tiring, the views from the peak and the sun-set ignited the inner flames, and possibly made us to recuperate from the malady of the duel, to the collaboration, that it is not man vs nature, but it is man inside nature. 


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