Utopia is an idealistic place where everything is ‘perfect’. You might be overawed by this mention of perfect. The perfect is entirely relative and only one thing is for sure, the different imaginations on the structure and characteristics of the xanadu converge to a concept called ‘freedom’ as quoted by the legendary hindu monk of India, Swami Vivekananda. Each particle in this universe is striving hard to achieve this freedom and I don’t know why is this duel for freedom on the run. Ofcourse, the why is an infinite loop and if you ponder over why, you end finally in why only. The ever expanding universe is the answer for how each particle is industrious in separating from one another. This concept of freedom is a paradigm for human activities also as man is also existing in this universe.

A man does his actions and receives the reactions from the environment(may be inner or outer). The reactions may be desired or undesired and this issue on the desired or undesired in itself is leviathan to be argued. For now, let us assume that the reactions may be desired or undesired. The actions that he does is in the society in which he inhabits. This society forms a system which defines the boundaries or rather restrictions to the actions of human behavior. These restrictions are such that the actions done with the acceptance of the system creates a wave in the mind that does not make the individual a slave to something, as it rises to the conscious. Here, ofcourse, it is all upto the individual to become a slave or a master of the situation, but I am speaking in the normal sense. The best example for man becoming a slave is the technological advancement. Although technological advancement brings positive results, there is a flipside for it. The flipside is that man is becoming a slave under the machines,that are the results of technological advancement. However, as I have already stated that the individual is the ultimate authority in deciding to becoming a slave or a master.

One more thought can strike your mind, if you think that there is nothing as a master and a slave, or dominating and dictating, & who cares for the reactions from the system, it is fantastic and exemplary. But, according to me, this way is the most difficult to live since we are in an emotional loop of the parents and competitive circle of the friends. Upto now, you might wonder, whats with all these things. Here is your answer, what I have mentioned above is to prove that the perfect exists but is relative to one another. He gets the reactions according as his imagination on the structure of the perfect, the thing on which his actions are based upon.

Finally, it is upto you now in deciding the lifestyle that futs the rays from the lights of the system to the boulevard of freedom. If you have the ability to become a master of every situation or system, and achieve freedom, there is no one who can stop you. If someone can design an architecture for a cosmopolitan Shangri la, that would be one of the greatest inventions of the mankind in the past, present, and for the future. Atlast, amidst these relativeness of perceptions, the only question that haunts you is that can a catholic idealistic system exist?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bomman (the mystical person).... These things in ur blog reflect the part of ur body taken over by the sub-conscious programmer,the mosquito breeder one and only MADHUSUDAN............

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. are you saying that we decide our own destiny? that we can control any external factor?

  5. yes,whatever may be the external influences,man is the ultimate authority in deciding the perception, the perceptions are based on the structure of the perfect in his mind....

  6. gurugale hosa post bariri swalpa nam blog annu nodi...comments bariri


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