Let me begin this blog with a little introduction into what people call as the ‘life turning year’ the 2nd year pre-university. You will appreciate the introduction after reading the entire blog. Well I would not go into my pre-university college days. This introduction is just to show how some of the stalwarts of the studying game changed their domain, I would not say completely, atleast partially. Let me mention a few names I remember right now, Taki(96), Srikanth(55), Anantha(101), and not to forget the ultimate Mathematician Raghavan(318), KD(157) and the most creative candidate among the lot, Rohith(380). You might wonder what the numbers inside the brackets, these are their CET ranks. The first four with a slight propensity towards the “kule” domain and the final two with almost 75% change in their views.
Video scandal
During the starting two semesters of the course, everyone of them were carrying the residual vengeance and vigor to study from the pre-university glory. The events from the first year which would remain stagnant in my memory are a very few. The almost video scandal is what I would call one of them. Nakul was the photographer who was shooting the video in the electrical engineering class. Well, it was just as unconscious as anything. It was entirely for fun. He continued shooting even after the lecturer left the class and nothing could have happened if VMR(one of the best civil lecturers) hadn’t seen him holding the mobile on entering the class. He finished the class, and while moving out of the class, he called all the last benchers to come out. It was at this time, Nakul completely got masqueraded with his tone and when asked as to whose mobile it was, he happily gave it. Probably, that was the last time he had smiled for the next two days from then. I don’t remember the date exactly. The video taken in the class with an unconscious effort led to an almost scandal. It had in it the lecturer delivering the lecture and the song “If you come today” along with “tick tick tick tick” sung by ourselves, me, KD, and Phani, going in harmony. This harmony was the one which led us to hear the cacophony of the scolding. It had also in it the “HARDCORE FIGHT”, which was the leg fight of Vaivas and Ninad (Both CS guys). Mind it, the fight was like that of the primary school students. This video made both the CS guys hear a lecture on discipline from VMR. VMR took the mobile and asked us to meet him the next day. The next day morning was the most funniest part of the entire “scandal” episode. It was Mechanical Engineering class, me and Nakul were asked to get out of the class. To obey the lecturer’s words, we went out and we were on our way to the vehicle stand. Then came KD who had been named as “GANG LORD” for the video scandal by RM(Mechanical engineering lecturer) along with Phani joined us. You should have seen his face then, it was like his girl friend had left him just now and probably he would never find a place in her heart again. In the afternoon we took permission from both VMR and RM after an apology, and we were back to normal. The first two semesters, all of us, got pretty good marks with above 80’s and the mentioned stalwarts in the 90% range. You might wonder what this has to do with the transformation of the mentioned names. You will come to know in the blog that follows. The first signs of transformation of KD and myself after getting into the tt room will be the starting part of the next blog.
bagsappa.You are a stalwart of the 'game' called studying. A person true to his potential.
ReplyDeleteThe other stalwarts (including me) are living in a parallel world.
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