When his name used to appear in the newspapers or the television just 1 month before, all people used to genuflect him. But, now the minds of the people have transformed after the sex scandal of Swami Nithyananda, what the people call it now, has come to light. Whenever the people see his name, the scenario is entirely different now. They blame him for having indulged in such worldly sensual pleasures, which was not the notion of him, people had in their minds. The people just went crazy and there was an outbreak of a riot near his ashram near Bidadi, just few days back when this inner story was revealed, damaging many of the parts of his ashram. There were rumours that, he has gone somewhere absconding to sacrifice his body in Haridwar, and he has also now released a video to clarify the allegation against him. Well, this blog is not to depict the nature of Swami Nityananda or any other godmen, but in general to describe the reactions of the laity to such so called "godmen".

The most common illusion that the people create in their minds is that they combine the knowledge and preachings to the corporeal entity. Well, its the natural phenomenon of any individual indeed to relate and combine such things, which is already proved by Einstien's "Theory of Relativity". This is one such phenomenon which can be quoted as evidence to the Theory of Relativity. When such godmen give lectures on spirituality before such scandals come into light, hoi-polloi will go kow-tow, not to actually the teaching, but to the godman. They forget that, he too has a material body and let me not comment on whether he has such desires or not. Common people have their own imagination about the inner nature of the godmen, which is the reason for such negative impacts, which the people experience when stories of such scandals come into light. One point, I wish to remind to the common people is that, one should not follow a godman in particular, but his preachings. It is not necessary that the godman should not indulge in sensual pleasures. Indeed, he is also a corporeal like everyone of us, and even in all mythologies, the gods, to whom we have the obeisance, are consorted. With his efforts, he might have conquered some divine powers. Everyone's efforts are directed in different directions. He has concentrated himself to conquer those powers, and we are concentrating our efforts to achieve something(may be material gains) in our life. Let me not argue on which is superior to which. Even if we think that those powers are superior to all these material gains and that is ultimate essence of life, we should start to respect the power, the knowledge, he has conquered, and not the godman, himself. He is also in this world, and he also has the right to enjoy sexual pleasures and no one has the right to stop. Indeed, sex is not a taboo, which people have a wrong notion. Indeed, sex has its own respect, which also appears in almost all the mythologies of all religions. If one involves in such pleasures, that doesnt become an infringement. But, he might be indeed harming his own spirit, which we should be least bothered of.

Atlast, it is the knowledge, the divine power which should be paramount rather than any corporeal being. Whenever, you go watch a movie, you dont discombobulate the pathos that the actor or the actress invokes, with the reality of the actor or the actress who are just the representatives of such situation, in the movie. Similarly, the godmen should not be melded with the knowledge, nor the powers they have acquired. One more thing, I would wish to quote is that Buddha got enlightened after he had experienced almost every part of life. It is very difficult, almost impossible to quit the worldy pleasures consciously. Everything, that happens as a natural phenomenon has its own significance. It is because of this, our ancestors have properly made the rites of passage. It is the people who are to blamed for having made such indelible illusions about the godmen. And, Swami Nityananda, who is alleged to be involved in what people call scandal, still may have in him the knowledge and the divine powers he has acquired, striving hard.


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