Let me go straight to the topic. We were in search of a house to stay in Bangalore. Me, Ninad, Kameshwar and Phani planned to stay together. The worst part is that everyone in the group are lazy buggers including me. Me and Ninad start working only when the asses are set on fire, Kameshwar is the most indifferent person I've ever seen. He used give this vague and the most indifferent answer one can give "Anything is ok for me", whenever we looked a particular house and called him to ask his opinion. Kameshwar starts to work only after the burning sensation in the ass crosses a tolerance limit. Phani gives his answer which is always implicit through his expression and some weird sounds to accompany it. He to sails in the same boat with me and Ninad when it comes to laziness, may be slightly better than we both. I think this much of introduction is enough. Now, comes the herculean task of searching a house in Bangalore.

It was me and Ninad, who used to go in search for houses. We contacted some 2 to 3 brokers nearby Ejjipura. Each and every day, for about a week, the brokers called us up and said, there is a very good house and you can have a look at it. Since both of us dont have time restrictions, for one week, we used to go to office by 11 or sometimes 12 too. 12 means almost lunch time!!!! We did'nt get even a single house which appealed to us other than one eerie place(the moniker we kept for a house on the terrace of an apartment). The information about the eerie place was told by Vaiwasvatha, and we had given the token advance(of 500 Rs) too. But then, 9K for that single large hall was not that much worth, and everyone raised some issues regarding the difficulty to stay there alone during night times. The place was like that(top of the terrace with no lights around). We ditched that place, and looked around for many houses nearby. Finally, a broker from the City Real Estate showed us a 3 bedroom independent house which appeared to be very nominal, and we thought of striking that deal. We saw that house and asked both Kameshwar and Phani to see the house by evening and pay the token advance. It was some Saturday, we saw this house. Since all was decided, me and Ninad left the place and planned to come back to Mysore. On the way to his PG, in the bike, Ninad showed NGV and said lets go one round inside and come back. I thought it was simply a waste of time and my mind was all set to reach Mysore as soon as possible, otherwise it would'nt be worth going. Somehow he convinced and took me inside. The campus was awesome and we just stopped inside somewhere before exiting. Then, came the turnaround for the story. Ninad saw a beautiful chick and of course, sitting behind a guy. You cant spot beautiful chicks alone in Bangalore. Newtons third law " For every beautiful chick in Bangalore, there will always be an opposite reaction, from a guy on the phone or from a guy going in tandem on the roam", holds valid. After seeing that chick, Ninad said "It would be awesome to stay here in this campus". We thought of just enquiring someone on the availability of the houses and the rates(mainly). We were going slowly inside NGV and spotted someone with a glass, who appeared descent, from the persona. You have to tell whether our guess about that person was correct after reading the entire story. One entire post needs to be dedicated to explain about our experiences with that guy(definitely an odyssey).


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